Tuesday 21 June 2016

P5(a) Logging Rushes and Creating Edit Decision List

Meaning & Purpose: In this area, I am going to talk a screenshot of my editing timeline in Premiere Pro CS5, it shows all the effects and editing that I have done to my advert. I will also go to describe some of my footage and talk about how do I film it and what kind of shots did I use.

This is the shot list that we have produced before our filming process begins. It clearly shows what kind of shot, angle that we think of our mind in that specific scene and location. In order to make this advert to become more interesting, we decide that not to film as a normal advert that is simply introduced Starbucks coffees. We like to film it with a narrative style, which tells a story about a boy and Starbucks affect him in life. We followed this shot list during our filming section, tick off the one we have done and make sure we don't miss out any. However, we also discussed and made some changes during our actual filming instead of just follow the shot list which produced by our mind planning. 

Aspect ratio film, the image shows there are various of television or screen aspect ratio, such as 4:3, 16:9, and 21:9. Most of the television and computer monitor and using an aspect ratio of 16:9 currently, which offers a perfect fit for high definition television shows. The aspect ratio of 4:3 are normally appears in some old television, because the old televisions are square size. In addition, 21:9 of aspect ratio is always being use in video editing. Therefore, we have to choose the right one when we are setting up the Adobe Premiere Pro document for the final music video, because we can not change the aspect ratio inside the software after we have made the document.

After finish filming our materials for our music video advert editing, we have to watch all of them again and organise the footages well by naming the folders in scene and name in order to make them become more neatly. We also deleted the ones that filmed badly. I put them in the main area of the folder, Starbucks, office, school outdoor. It is vital to name these materials because it helps me to use less time to look for the footage that I want to use during the video editing in Premiere Pro CS5. 

As I following these steps to create a video edit file in Premiere Pro CS5. Firstly, I have to click 'New Project' to create which is obvious as the button is there. Then, I have to select the place that I am going to save my editing at and make the folder name. Personally, I set it as my unit17 folder and named it as 'Starbucks music video advert'. finally, I have to choose the quality and tv size of the video which I set it as 'HDV 1080p24'.

After that, I have to import all my materials into Premiere Pro CS5. I have to click 'File' on the top and clicked 'Import' which is the button to import all materials that I have organised in folders before. The image below shows all my materials to do this video editing, this includes song, images with Starbucks logo, clips.

The screenshot below shows my workings in Premiere Pro CS5. I choose to save my footages in folders at the left, the effect controls(includes Brightness/Contrast, motion, colour balance, opacity) at the middle, preview video at the right, edit effects at the bottom left, and the timeline of the whole video editing  at the bottom.

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